The Franciscan Girls Club offer young women, ages 10-17, the opportunity to grow in their faith, mature through service to the Sisters and the local community, and establish friendships with other dedicated Catholic young ladies.
September 15, 1985, the Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows was the opening meeting of the Franciscan Girls Club. The Club was formed when a group of young ladies in their early teens wanted to start a group to support the Franciscan Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Sorrows at Our Lady of Peace Retreat House in Beaverton, Oregon. The young ladies meet once a month on the third Sunday, and took turns going to the weekend retreats to help in the kitchen and dining room.
Praying with the Sisters
Over the past 30 years, the Club has grown from the original five members to as many as 40. Today, about 25 young ladies are actively involved in the Franciscan Girls Club. They continue to meet on the third Sunday of each month, September through May, and assist the Sisters by serving weekend retreats. Begun under the guidance of Sister Mary John, today the Club is led by its directress, Sister Mary Agnes Clare, OSF.
The Franciscan Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Sorrows welcomes young girls and their families to participate in the Franciscan Girls Club. The FGC is a wonderful way to promote the mission to develop virtue, faith and joy for vocations in each Franciscan Girl. The club meets on a regular basis and participates in various activities throughout the year.
Some of the activities the club participates in throughout the year include: