Men of faith are invited to register for this Men's Silent Retreat with Retreat Master, Father Gregory Dick, O.Praem. The retreat theme: The Word of God, Living and Effective for Transforming Our Manly Hearts" Retreat fee is $255. Call about day commuter rates. Weekend includes conferences, daily Mass, Eucharistic Adoration, time for confession, quiet time for rejuvenation, all meals from dinner on Friday to Brunch on Sunday. Private room.
Join us for this Day Retreat on Ash Wednesday to begin your Lenten Journey. The day includes: Mass, distribution of ashes, confession, conferences, quiet time for prayer and reflection in our retreat chapel and our outdoor Stations of the Cross, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and lunch.
Retreat fee is $50. Call 503-649-7127 or register online
This Women’s Silent Retreat March 21-23 features Retreat Master Fr. Joachim Aldaba, O.Praem. His theme is "Lent: A Season for Rediscovering Christ." Fr. Joachim will plunge into the depths of the Lenten season and speak about how the traditional observances of prayer, fasting and almsgiving as well as a greater love for the sacraments will lead to a more intimate union with Christ. Details: 503-649-7127. Retreat fee is $255 for the weekend. The commuter rate is $168 or $84 for Saturday only retreatants.